Why Was The Helsinki Agreement Important

– the promotion of persons working in the field of culture, travel and meetings, including, where appropriate, those carried out on the basis of agreements, treaties or other special arrangements relevant to their cultural cooperation; – promote direct contacts and communication between persons involved in cultural activities, including, where appropriate, such contacts and communications established on the basis of specific agreements. and arrangements. Although initially unpopular in the West, the Helsinki Final Act proved important at the end of the Cold War. Some activists rejected the Western concession that led to the formal acceptance of Soviet annexation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and effectively recognized Soviet hegemony over Eastern Europe. Despite these criticisms, the third basket on human rights and freedoms ultimately proved important for dissidents in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. To monitor the USSR`s progress in implementing the human rights provisions of the law, human rights activists set up Helsinki monitoring groups in the Soviet Union and throughout Europe. These groups have prosecuted violations of the law and drawn international attention to human rights violations. In addition, the Belgrade follow-up meeting established a review process to detect and hold accountable violations of the Helsinki Final Act. Together, these measures have allowed dissidents to act and speak more openly than would otherwise have been possible. Considering that the movement of migrant workers in Europe has reached considerable proportions and represents an important economic, social and human factor for the host countries and for the countries of origin, that they declare their readiness to take the measures they deem appropriate and, if necessary, to conclude agreements or arrangements among themselves, and whereas the participating States, in the case of the above-mentioned principles, and in particular the first sentence of the tenth principle of “respect in good faith for obligations under international law”, it is clear that this Declaration does not affect its rights and obligations or the corresponding treaties and other agreements and arrangements.

The Helsinki Final Act was an agreement signed by 35 countries that concluded the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in Helsinki, Finland. The multifaceted law addressed a number of important global issues, with far-reaching implications for the Cold War and U.S.-Soviet relations. .

Jason Thane Jeffers

Jason Thane Jeffers

Jason Thane Jeffers - Metal sculptor and Web Developer.